Phoenix Cannabis Co Premium Vape Oil - Review


We got to try the new Phoenix Cannabis Co Premium Vape Oil Cartridge and are excited to share our thoughts with you! These new cartridges feature 600mg of Full Spectrum 100% cannabis derived oil. They are currently available for only $32. No added cutting agents, or foreign terpenes, plus they come in certified CCELL hardware.

On first taste you can tell this is 100% cannabis derived. It has the full spectrum of flavor some of the other cartridges on the market, that use food-grade terpenes, miss. We tried the “Animal Face” strain which had a nice diesel taste to it with hints of pine, and just a little bit of sweetness. Overall it had much more depth to the flavor than I was expecting, it was a pleasant surprise.

The overall effect from the oil was different than competitors as well. I often feel with distillate you get the same feeling from all of them due to the high THC concentration, and lack of full array of terpenes. The full spectrum oil definitely enabled the entourage effect every “canna-isseur” seeks out. This sativa dominant strain didn’t have me quite ready to scrub my entire house, but it did get me motivated to get things done without feeling too couch-locked or food focused.

Overall for the price point this is a steal. You’re getting great quality, in reputable hardware, plus a 100% cannabis derived product. You can pick yours up at any Nature’s Medicines Location.

Photos: Alissa Brunelli - Full Spectrum Creative

Christina Mac